Sunday, May 31, 2009

last of lake louise its honestly amazing

read if your bored

on the way out of the rockies

lake louise

crystal clear freezing water

this (ice crystals)

plus this (jake running on thin ice)

equals this (will's legs went through the ice when trying to run across it. its pretty much like glass)

lake louise best place i've ever seen

cut a hole in a montain

some town. very cold glacia rivers


625ml of cold hard ice tea for under $1...

looks better in person




backwards retard

on the way to banff

squirrel or something

they have huge underground networks

deerman of the dark woods

its a lot better than the picture might suggest

waking up to this in revelstoke was nice

sure i wont kick your ball into the icy lake jake?

random hotel

hmm this picture sucks compared to what was actually ahead
bullet holes in my mans car
click on the picture

1/10th of what was on offer at walmart supermarket


hells gate gondalla on the way to the rocky mountains i think


deadly nos
random order

hit the nos brian

forgot the name of this place

oh yeah fort langley thats it

tokyo i mean vancouver

lunch on the road

so apparently your meant to 'mono' off drops when your on a bike....i found that out after going over the handle bars trying to go off the drop. the bike fell ontop of me too that was cool.

riding around victoria city. they look like clouds in the background but there actually mountains

yeah, mountains with snow

wikipedia wolf you wont be dissapointed

spag fac



vancouver island, victoria city

hotel de' awesome

do tell


Tuesday, May 26, 2009


thanks wallmart

4. no hostralians

cya next time port angeles
the road to vancouver island looks better than the picture suggests

land of the free, home of the brave continued soonish.