Wednesday, July 30, 2008


This photo here George Warren Simmonds (circa 89') demonstrates the gracefulness associated with symetry. The reason this photo has been added to the exclusive GBBLOG is not for the obvious reasons of self props, but simply to observe and portray the beauty of symetry.

Conclusion- LIFE=SYMETRY.


Ahhhhh, now here we have one of my favourite pictures of mine. Authough there is no actual subject matter depicted within the photograph, there is still a subtl hidden message that engages with all of us, almost a soothing feeling.

Behind the simple playground apperatus situated in Sandy Bays Mt. Carmel school lies one of Hobarts many iconic features, this being the spectacular Mt. Wellington. Some say, back in cira 3000 AD Jesus himself carried the cross to the top of the mountain and planted it firmly into the hard granite stone. It was many years later that King Arthur himself puled the cross from the granite and raised it high in the sky (much like the sword in the stone) so that we could all be blessed with amazing t.v reception.
The Web of Deceit- Circa 91.


A good friend of ours (George + Rashed- creators of this blog) have known 'Dix' for quite some time now.

Now theres a story of how Chris aquired his highly appropriate and fitting nickname, and it all began back in the circa of 98' when little Chris was born and finally ended up with the nickname 'Dix'.

Chris Smith- filming, mornington ghetto, circa 93'.
Ahhhh, another day, another post. Me and my colegue (Bryce how do you spell this) Babeh (co-author of this here blog) have decided to enter this picture into our exclusive blog because it was around summer 1994 of circa 02' when Alex Harvey decided to launch his pro skateboarding career.

Alex Harvey- tail drop, Mornington Hobart circa 04'.
So I suppose we should probably add something interesting to these blog posts to keep you entertained. Well, this picture here entails quite the story. Chris Smith, chicken vomit- circa 93'. Keep hustlin' McBeth.

Second post: inventors

The two creators of this blog. G thug pictured here and B thang below. Represent holmes.

First post. The start of amazingness

So here we are. The shared blog. Rashed ateem and George simmonds rolled into one big picture book. This seems to be the cool thing to do at the moment so yeah. over and out.